In the Studio⚡️Don Burda


Don Burda

Sculpture, Woodwork, Metal Jewelry



Is there something you can’t live without in your studio?

I’d say the lathe is used more frequently than anything else. You see a lot of hollow forms-- bowls, vases. Unfortunately, they seem more cliche because anyone with a lathe can make a bowl, but they can make bowls like these (pictured below). Most of my stuff is hollow and round so the lathe is what I would miss the most. Everyone who has been woodturning has hole in their roof.



How long have you been working out of this space?

I have been doing this for 9 years. I have the work space in my garage and have used my driveways for art shows as well.



What tips would you give someone thinking about creating their own studio?

Have dedicated space. I know a lot of people who want to be creative, have been creative, and are creative by nature but don’t have a dedicated space. It shouldn’t be a whole process just to get to the process. Make your own tools. I have a friend, Hans, who was very generous when I first got started and I went to him and asked, “What are the best tools to use? ” He said, the best things you use are going to be the ones you make for yourself. 

It shouldn’t be a whole process just to get to the process.


Why do you find it important to have a space solely for creativity?

I love creating stuff. I love when something comes to fruition. When you see it through from the initial sketch to final product and you sell it and someone is smiling, there’s nothing better. It’s important to write down ideas. If you see an example of things like women’s jewelry or old pottery in a 20’s movie, even if it just passes in the background, write or sketch it down. The next day, if it still seems like a good idea, it’s probably worth doing.



What is currently your favorite piece created in your studio?

The hollow forms and the constructionist piece. Of the jewelry, this cluster is my latest favorite. It’s blue latiz & turquoise.
