In the Studio⚡️Christine Link


Christine Link

Painting, Ceramics,
Art Education, Art Repair



How long have you been working out of this space? How has it evolved over time?

22 years. It’s gotten smaller over the years. I started with just the front of the building. It was just a gallery and I hated it because I had no place to work. The back of the building was a coffee shop. They left and I turned it into the classroom space. About 15 years ago  my husband moved his flag store to the front of the building. I love it now. We also expanded to the next room and created the ceramics studio with Linda Gromov. 



What tip(s) would you give someone thinking about creating their own studio?

I always stress with my students that they need their own space. I have another studio at home. I get so busy here that if I’m working on something, I can just take it home. It’s most important for them to leave their things out and not have to put it away. If they put it away it’s too much of an effort and they won’t do it. If it’s already laid out. The best thing about it is that you can walk away and see it in a whole new light. I’ve been known to hide away a painting for a year and come back to it and see what I need to do.



What is currently your favorite piece created in your studio?

It’s watercolor on Yupo paper which is plastic. What happens is that the watercolor doesn’t absorb into the paper; it stays on top. If I took it out of the glass and took a squirt gun to it and sprayed it, all the color would wash away. It's very challenging to work with and it’s really fun because you get some really cool effects with it. It’s just drops of water that picks the paint back up again.

To feel independent as an artist, you have to be able to create on your own without anyone around you.


Why do you find it important to have a space solely for creativity?

I want my students to feel independent. To feel independent as an artist, you have to be able to create on your own without anyone around you. You have to have enough patience and feel that it is the best thing for you to do to go in and just do it.



Is there something you can’t live without in your studio?

The only tools I can think of is my hands and my head. That’s it. You can basically do anything if you have those things. I can remember as a little kid going out in the backyard and making little birdhouses for my mother out of twigs. I think as a creativity person you can make anything out of anything as long as you have the ability to do it. 



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