Ft Artist | Grey Bird Woodworking


Grey Bird Woodworking

Visit their Pop Up inside YardCity on April 1st 6-9PM

Tracy and Steve, how long have you been woodworking?

Steve has been a woodworker for 20+ years. His main profession is cabinet maker/installer. Grey Bird Woodworking has been our home base business for 5 years.

Where do you find the beautiful pieces of various woods?

We source local wood as much as possible i.e. Mesquite and Eucalyptus, then various other hardwoods from lumber yards.

Do you offer custom orders?

Yes (contact them here!)

What is your favorite thing about working and traveling in your Grey Bird bus?

Freedom and exploration, meeting new people,

What advice would you give to someone looking to live and work on the road like Grey Bird?

Work with what you have at all times.

Be creative and slow down and enjoy the journey.

Favorite Downtown Havasu gems?

Visit Grey Bird Woodworking’s Pop Up inside YardCity on April 1st, 6-9PM

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