π΄ Live @ YardCity: Blaggards π΄ Ft Artist: Sean Wickenheisser π΄ Pop Up Restaurant: La Baja π΄ Dwellers & Dreamers Night Market @ The KAWS π΄ 60+ Artists, Handmade, Secondhand & Vintage π΄ 55+ Participating DTLH Businesses π΄ Live music throughout DTLH Restaurants and Bars
Discover 60+ local artisans, makers and pop up boutiques in the Artist & Vintage Village located along the sidewalks of McCulloch b/t Mulberry and Smoketree.
Downtown #LakeHavasu has a variety γ° over 55 of them γ° Participating Merchants on First Friday including πlocal π Restaurants, Bars, Food Trucks, Treats, Art Galleries, Boutiques, Services and Entertainment.