2020 is a wrap!

Although this season was short, we still celebrated the artists together.

In September we put together a self-guided Public Art Tour of local art murals, sculptures and public art. You can still grab your friends and fam, hop in the car and take a ride around town to appreciate the variety of sculptures and creations Lake Havasu City’s artists have made. Be sure to hit play on the curated playlist as well! View the full Tour here.



October brought us the Livestream Experience with The Borrowers.

This was our team’s first attempt at producing a live concert mixed with interviews and additional content. You showed your support for The Borrowers by viewing their performance at Yard City over 7,000 times! Read the full story here.



In December we brought our beloved artists into YardCity, for a Holiday Night Market.

Although this event was much more toned down than typical First Fridays, we still we shopped from 15 local artists under bright holiday lanterns and lights. Small Cakes took the cake with their ADORABLE Christmas cupcakes and we kept warm with hot cocoa from Starbucks. Overall our Night Market was a success and it was wonderful seeing friendly faces again.


Team First Friday considers the safety of our audience very seriously, and we continue to determine future event planning in accordance with local and state laws and guidelines. At this moment, we cannot determine if we will finish this season with in-person events, however we will continue supporting our artist community. Check the Calendar for future events whether virtual, self-guided, or limited gatherings.

Aymie Spitzer