September Kicked Off with a Bang

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The Only Friday That Matters is B A C K… and might we boast, better than ever?

Not only is the best block party in town in full-swing once again, but HUGE upgrades were made. Were you there to see the latest-and-greatest debuts of the season?


Okay, this update was pretty hard to miss. First Friday partnered with Go Lake Havasu and Creative Comrades to help bring you a new-style incubator of third space, called YardCity.

What is third space?
We all start our days pretty similar, at home getting ready for work. Then we spend the better part of our day at said job just to come home. Days in and out are the cycle repeated. Home is first space, work being second space. The concept of third space is to create a hub where community members can go to, converse, find adventure, and break the isolation cycle.



Hopefully you noticed (frankly, it would be hard to miss) the refurbished camping-turned-beer-pouring trailer. This rad experience was nothing more than a shell, but with the magic of Meng Designs, and FF team members, the piece is now up and running to pour cold brews all night long! All revenue from the trailer goes right back into First Fridays and supporting our local artists.


Did you check out the wine tasting experience? FF Team member and sommelier Jenna Ebert, added a classy touch to the Bash with her hand picked selections. Catch her every month as the official FF Sommelier @state48sommelier


Along with physical attractions and experiences, we are showcasing passionate people and businesses making great strides in the development of First Friday. 

Each month will feature an Artist, Beertender and Downtown Business.

Stay tuned every month as we pick a new featured group!

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